© National Instruments Corporation G-9 BridgeVIEW User Manual
static attributes Tag attributes that require the BridgeVIEW Engine to be restarted if they
are edited or reconfigured. Examples of static attributes are general
attributes and I/O connection attributes, such as server, device, or item.
See also dynamic attributes.
string tag An ASCII character representation of a connection to a real-world
I/O point.
structure Program control element, such as a Sequence, Case, For Loop, or
While Loop.
subVI A VI called on the diagram of another VI.
supervisory control Control in which the control loops operate independently subject to
intermittent corrective action.
system developer The creator of the application software to be executed in the BridgeVIEW
Run-Time System.
System errors Errors that happen in the BridgeVIEW system, like a server going down.
System errors are displayed in a dialog box, on the Engine User Interface,
and also are logged in a syslog file.
System events Events that occur in the BridgeVIEW system, like an operator logging on
or a utility starting up. System events are logged in a syslog file.
Ttag A connection to a real-world I/O point or a memory variable. Tags can be
one of four data types: analog, binary, discrete, or string.
tag attributes Parameters pertaining to a tag, like its alarm, limits, or Engineering Units.
Tag attributes are configured in the Tag Configuration Editor but can be
changed dynamically using the Tag Attributes VIs.
Tag Browser A utili ty to view the configuration parameters of a tag, as configured in the
Tag Configuration Editor.
Tag Configuration Editor A utility to configure various parameters of a tag, such as connection
information, scaling, or logging.
tag group A set of tags primarily used for reporting and acknowledging alarms. A tag
can be associated with only one tag group. All tags belong to the group
<ALL> by default.