Chapter 9 Creating VIs
© National Instruments Corporation 9-9 BridgeVIEW User Manual
10. Using the Wiring tool, wire the objects as shown.
Note To move objects around on the block diagram, click on the P ositioning tool in the
Tools palette.
11. Select File»Save and save the VI as Temp & in the
BridgeVIEW\Activity directory.
12. From the front panel, run the VI by clicking on the Run button. Notice
values for Volume and Temperature are displayed on the front panel.
13. Close the VI by selecting File»Close.
End of Activity 9-1.

VI Documentation

You can document a VI by choosing Windows»Show VI Info…. Type the
description of the VI in the VI Information dialog box. Then, you can recall
the description by selecting Windows»Show VI Info… again.
You can edit the descriptions of objects on the front panel (or their
respective terminals on the block diagram) by popping up on the object and
choosing Data Operations»Description….
Note You cannot change the description of a VI or its front panel objects while the VI
is running.