BridgeVIEW User Manual G-4 © National Instruments Corporation
dynamic attributes Tag attributes that do not require the BridgeVIEW Engine to be restarted
when they are edited or reconfigured. Examples of dynamic attributes
include enabling logging operations, alarm attributes, and some scaling
attributes. See also static attributes.
EEngine See BridgeVIEW Engine.
engineering units (EU) Terms of data measurement, as degrees Celsius, pounds, grams and so on.
error message An indication of a software or hardware malfunction, or an unacceptable
data entry attempt.
event Something that happens to a tag in the BridgeVIEW system. Events include
tags going into or out of alarm state and the user setting a tag value.
event driven
programming A method of programming whereby the program waits on an event
occurring before executing one or more functions.
FFor Loop Iterative loop structure that executes its subdiagram a set number of times.
Equivalent to conventional code:
For i = 0 to n – 1, do....
formula node Node that executes formulas that you enter as text. Especially useful for
lengthy formulas that would be cumbersome to build in block diagram
frame Subdiagram of a Sequence Structure.
free label Label on the front panel or block diagram that does not belong to any other
front panel The interactive user interface of a VI. Modeled from the front panel of
physical instruments, it is composed of switches, slides, meters, graphs,
charts, gauges, LEDs, and other controls and indicators.