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Revision 1.0
Time Division Switch
4. Lamp Indications
Lamp indications for this circuit card are shown in the table below.
Green Remains lit wh ile the TSW block is in ACT state.
Red Remains lit w hile the TSW block is in Make-busy state.
Of f Remains off while the TSW block is ST-BY side.
MUXACT Green Remains lit while MUX block is in ACT state.
PLOACT Green Remains lit while PLO block is in ACT state.
M3SY Green Lights when MUX #3 synchronization has been established.
M2SY Green Lights when MUX #2 synchronization has been established.
M1SY Green Lights when MUX #1 synchronization has been established.
M0SY Green Lights when MUX #0 synchronization has been established.
PMCA Red Lights when the PM/PCM bus clock FH failure has occurred.
CFT Green Light s whe n t h e CFT circuit is valid.
Lights when the following MJ fault has occurred:
All of th e clock s upp l y r ou tes h ave failed w hen th e sy s tem op er ates as th e cloc k
subordinate office
32.768 MHz output clock failure
8 KHz output FH failure
5 msec × n o utput FH failure
Input Frame Pulse (FP) failure (FP is supplied by the SYNC card)
Both i nternal OSC (±5 pp m deviation) and high-preci sion c lock signals (±0.3 p pm
deviation) have failed when the system operates as the clock source office
PMN Yellow
Lights when the following MN fault has occurred:
One or more (bu t not all) DTI/DCS cl ock suppl y routes ha ve failed
Drifting failure
Internal OSC (±5 ppm) failure
High-precision clock signals (±0.3 ppm) failure