NEC N8800-091F, EXP320A, EXP320B Description of On-Screen Items and Key Usage, Cursor, Enter, Esc

Models: N8800-091F EXP320B EXP320A N8800-090F

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4-4 System Configuration

Description of On-Screen Items and Key Usage

Use the following keyboard keys to work with the SETUP utility. (Key functions are also listed at the bottom of the screen.)

Shows the current menu.

Options to be configured






Online help







Denotes there are
















Parameters (selected parameters are










Explanation of keys

Cursor (

ν π


Selects an item on the screen. The highlighted item is currently

, ):








Cursor (





Selects the Main, Advanced, Security, System Hardware, Boot, or



Exit menu.










Changes the value (parameter) of the selected item to the






previous value.






Changes the value (parameter) of the selected item to next value.






Displays a submenu or chooses the selected parameter.






Displays the previous screen.






Press F1 when you need help on SETUP operations. The help






screen for SETUP operations appears. Press Esc to return to the






previous screen.





Shows the following:

Setup Confirmation

Load default configuration now?

[Yes] [No]

If you select “Yes” and then press the Enter key, all items in the setup are set to default values. If you select “No” and then press either the Enter or Esc key, the status before pressing the F9 key is restored.

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NEC N8800-091F, EXP320A, EXP320B, N8800-090F manual Description of On-Screen Items and Key Usage, Cursor, Enter, Esc