NEC N8800-090F, EXP320A, EXP320B, N8800-091F manual Discard Changes, Save Changes

Models: N8800-091F EXP320B EXP320A N8800-090F

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System Configuration 4-29

Discard Changes

Select this option if you want to restore previous values before saving values in CMOS. When you select “Discard Changes,” you will see the dialogue box as shown on the right.

If you select “Yes” in the dialogue box, changes you have made are discarded and previous settings are restored.

Save Changes

Select this option if you want to save changes you have made in CMOS (non-volatile memory) without exiting SETUP. When you select the Save Changes, you will see the dialogue box as shown on the right.

If you select “Yes” in the dialogue box, changes you have made are saved in CMOS (non-volatile memory).

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NEC N8800-090F, EXP320A, EXP320B, N8800-091F manual Discard Changes, Save Changes