NEC EXP320B, EXP320A, N8800-091F, N8800-090F manual Linux Error Messages, Message Meaning Action

Models: N8800-091F EXP320B EXP320A N8800-090F

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Troubleshooting 7-13

Linux Error Messages

NEC Express5800/ft series displays messages on the console window when failures occur. Also, the same information is recorded as system logs.

The following indicates the syslog messages, messages on the console, their meanings and actions:







The driver started successfully.

The driver was successfully

The server is operating







The driver stopped.

The driver was successfully





The driver failed to start.

The driver was not started

There may be problem in



the system environment.



Contact your sales agent.

The driver finished successfully

The unload processing of the

The server is operating

to unload.

driver finished successfully.





The driver accepted to bind the

The driver received an instruction


CPU module.

to bind the CPU module.





The driver started to bind the

The driver started binding the


CPU module.

CPU module.





The friver finished successfully

The driver successfully bound


to bind the CPU module.

the CPU module.


The driver failed to bind the

The driver was unsuccessful to

If the message is recorded

CPU module.

bind the CPU module.

frequently, there may be



problem in the hardware



environment. Contact your



sales agent.




The driver accepted to remove

The driver received an instruction

The server is operating

the CPU module.

to disconnect the CPU module.


The driver started to remove

The driver started disconnecting


the CPU module.

the CPU module.





The driver finished successfully

The driver successfully


to remove the CPU module.

disconnected the CPU module.





The driver failed to remove the

The driver was unsuccessful to

There may be problem in

CPU module.

remove the CPU module.

the hardware environment.



Contact your sales agent.




The driver started the fast

The driver started performing fast

The server is operating

re-sync function of the CPU

re-sync to the CPU module.








The driver finished successfully

The driver successfully


the fast re-sync function of the

performed fast re-sync to the


CPU module.

CPU module.





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NEC EXP320B, EXP320A, N8800-091F, N8800-090F manual Linux Error Messages, Message Meaning Action