NEC N8800-091F, EXP320A Configure/View Scsi Controller Settings, Scsi Bus Interface Definitions

Models: N8800-091F EXP320B EXP320A N8800-090F

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4-32 System Configuration

Configure/View SCSI Controller Settings

When you select “Configure/View Host Adapter Settings” in the “Options” menu, the following screen appears.

The following describes menus and parameters. Read the descriptions to optimize your system.

SCSI Bus Interface Definitions

Use arrow keys to select SCSI BUS Interface Definitions. The following table provides information on options and their functions.




SCSI Controller ID

0 to [7] to 5

Set “7.”


SCSI Controller Parity


Set “Enabled.”






SCSI Controller Termination


This option allows you to select



whether or not to enable the







Set “Enabled.”





]: Factory-set

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NEC N8800-091F Configure/View Scsi Controller Settings, Scsi Bus Interface Definitions, Option Parameter Function/settings