NEC N8800-090F Status of Logical PCI Slots, Impact of Module Status Changes, Community Authority

Models: N8800-091F EXP320B EXP320A N8800-090F

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Installing and Using Utilities 5-19

Status of Logical PCI Slots

Because the I/O hub and display controller on a PCI module (IO module) are logical PCI slot information, PCI module (IO module) are not influenced by them. Therefore, the “Status” of [PCI slot (ID:0/10/102)] and [PCI slot (ID:0/10/103)] under [PCI module (ID:0/10)] and the “Status” of [PCI slot (ID:1/11/102)] and [PCI slot(ID:1/11/103)] under [PCI module (ID:1/11)] in the FT tree on a Data Viewer becomes “Online” and the status color becomes green.

Impact of Module Status Changes

PCI modules (IO modules), SCSI adapters, SCSI buses, and modules under the SCSI enclosure have impact on each other. For example, when the “Status” item of a module changes to “fault,” it may be caused by another module’s error. Therefore, you need to check the status of the other modules based on alert information.

Status Color after Mounting a Hard Disk

When creating a new mirror, the status of the hard disk and its upper component, SCSI enclosure, will continue to change after you mount a hard disk until the mirror is completed. The OS may take several minutes to recognize changes of disk status or the disk may need to be rescanned. During this process, the status color may turn to abnormal, but when the mirror is created successfully, it will return normal.

LAN Monitoring Report

The LAN monitoring function defines the line status depending on the number of transmission packets and the number of packet errors within a certain period. Thus, the LAN monitoring function may report a line fault or high line load only in a temporary high line impedance state. If a normal state recovery is reported immediately, temporal high line impedance may have occurred thus there is not any problem.

LAN Monitoring Threshold

Because hardware faults on the network are found in the driver level, NEC ESMPRO Agent does not monitor line faults.

Community Authority

Depending on your OS type or its version, settings for community, SNMP service’s security function, are not made, or default settings of authority are different

To enable the remote shutdown and threshold change functions via NEC ESMPRO Manager, make settings of community and set its authority to "READ CREATE" or "READ WRITE."

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NEC N8800-090F manual Status of Logical PCI Slots, Impact of Module Status Changes, Status Color after Mounting a Hard Disk