| Step 2 | Enter the appropriate information to the System, Index, Data, Bit, and |
| Note fields. The information contained in the Data field is in hexidecimal |
| format. |
| Step 3 | If editing an existing feature, click the OK button to accept the changes. If |
| this is a newly defined feature, click the New button to create the feature. |
| Step 4 | You can remove a feature either by selecting it from the Systems |
| Features (ASYD) tab, or the Edit System Features window, and clicking |
| the Delete button. |
| Deleting a selecting System Feature record does not disable the selected feature, | |
| but, instead, restores the original System Default settings. | |
| To disable a feature refer to the Office Data Specification Manual. | ||
| Step 5 | Use the Cancel button to return to the Systems Features (ASYD) tab |
| without making any editing changes. |
MA4000 Installation Manager User Guide - Revision 7