Alteon OS Command Reference

Table 6-81BGP Peer Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/l3/bgp/peer)

Command Syntax and Usage

advert <min adv time (1-65535)>

Sets time in seconds between advertisements.

retry <connect retry interval (1-65535)>

Sets connection retry interval, in seconds.

orig <min orig time (1-65535)>

Sets the minimum time between route originations, in seconds.

ttl <number of router hops (1-255)>

Time-to-live (TTL) is a value in an IP packet that tells a network router whether or not the packet has been in the network too long and should be discarded. TTL specifies a certain time span in sec- onds that, when exhausted, would cause the packet to be discarded. The TTL is determined by the number of router hops the packet is allowed before it must be discarded.

This command specifies the number of router hops that the IP packet can make. This value is used to restrict the number of “hops” the advertisement makes. It is also used to support multi-hops, which allow BGP peers to talk across a routed network. The default number is set at 1.

addi <route map ID (1-32)>

Adds route map into in-route map list.

addo <route map ID (1-32)>

Adds route map into out-route map list.

remi <route map ID (1-32)>

Removes route map from in-route map list.

remo <route map ID (1-32)>

Removes route map from out-route map list.


Enables this peer configuration.


Disables this peer configuration.


Deletes this peer configuration.


Displays the current BGP peer configuration.

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40M2420, April 2007

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Nortel Networks 40M2420 Advert min adv time, Retry connect retry interval, Orig min orig time, Ttl number of router hops