5.3 | Via the CLI: Debug command group | 167 |
5.4 | Via SNMP | 170 |
5.5Pinging from the SpeedTouch™ to the remote private network 171
6 | Advanced Features | 173 |
6.1 | IPSec and the Stateful Inspection Firewall | 174 |
6.2 Surfing through the VPN tunnel | 175 | |
6.3 | Extended Authentication (XAuth) | 176 |
6.4 | VPN Client | 177 |
6.4.1 | VPN Client parameters | 178 |
6.4.2 Create a new vpnclient | 179 | |
6.4.3 Set or modify the vpnclient parameters | 180 | |
6.4.4 Attach the vpnclient entity to the peer entity | 181 | |
6.5 | VPN Server | 182 |
6.5.1 | VPN Server parameters | 183 |
6.5.2 | Create a new VPN server | 185 |
6.5.3 Set or modify the vpnserver parameters | 186 | |
6.5.4 Attach the vpnserver entity to the peer entity | 187 | |
6.6 | XAuth Users Pool | 188 |
6.6.1 | XAuth Pool parameters | 189 |
6.6.2 Create a new XAuth pool | 190 | |
6.6.3 | Modify the xauthpool type | 191 |
6.6.4 Attach the xauthpool entity to the vpnserver entity | 192 | |
6.6.5 | Delete an xauthpool entity | 193 |
6.6.6 | XAuth User parameters | 194 |
6.6.7 Create a new XAuth user | 195 | |
6.6.8 Set or modify the password of an XAuth user | 196 | |
6.6.9 Delete an xauthuser entity | 197 | |
6.7 The Default Peer Concept | 198 | |
6.8 | One Peer - Multiple Connections | 200 |
6 | |