Some keys perform several separate functions, according to the operating mode the cordless phone is in:
•Programming mode, enabled when the key is pressed (while in this mode, if no key is pressed for about 30 seconds, the cordless phone automatically
returns to
ŽCommunication mode, enabled during a telephone call.
•Phone book managing mode, enabled by pressing function key F2 ( – while in this mode if no key is pressed for about 30 seconds, the cordless phone returns automatically to
•Fax machine answering device management mode, if any incoming messages or memos have been recorded on the answering device.
Function key F2
ŒGives access to the phone book. When followed by
the key, it unlocks the keypad (if it was
| locked previously). | Speaker. |
| |
• Modifies a name or telephone number in the phone |
| ||||
| ||||
book. Switches from | Function key F3 |
| |||
| while names are being entered. |
| |||
• Modifies the previous incoming message or memo. It | Œ Gives access to the management of incoming | |||||
deletes incoming messages and memos that have | messages and memos recorded on the fax machine’s | |||||
| already been played. | answering device. Having pressed the | key, it | |||
| copies the number displayed to the phone book. | |||
| Function key F1 | • - • Confirms the menu, function or parameter | |||
| displayed. |
| ||
Œ Gives access to the list of unanswered calls (if the | Ž Turns off the microphone. To turn the microphone on | |||||
| service has been enabled). | again, press this key again. |
| |||
| • Disables a parameter. | • Adds a new contact to the phone book. |
| |||
• - • Exits from the function or menu displayed. | • Plays all incoming messages or memos recorded on | |||||
• Deletes a name or number from the phone book. | the answering device. Moves on to the next incoming | |||||
• Plays new incoming messages or memos recorded | message or memo. |
| |||
on the answering device. Erases the incoming |
| |||
message and memo that you are playing. | Œ Gives access to menus. |
| ||||
| |||
| • Scrolls through menus, functions or parameters | |||
| (upper and lower parts of the key). |
| ||
Œ Gives access to the phone line. | • - Ž Raises or lowers the cordless phone ringing | |||||
Ž Turns the handsfree function on/off. If this key is | volume (upper and lower parts of the key). |
| ||||
pressed for more than 1.5 seconds, it gives access to | Ž Raises or lowers the volume of the handset (upper | |||||
| the fax machine. | and lower parts of the key). |
| ||
• Dials the number displayed in the phone book. | • Scrolls through the contacts in the phone book (upper | |||||
| and lower parts of the key). |
| ||
Œ Having pressed the | key, it locks the keypad. | Œ Followed by the | key, it locks the keyboard. | |||
• - • Deletes the data entered or returns to the | ||||||
Having pressed the F2 key ( | ), it unlocks the | |||||
previous function. |
| ||||
keypad (if it was locked previously). |
| ||||
Ž Ends a telephone call. |
| ||||
Œ - Ž - • Switches from pulse dialling to tone dialling. |
| ||||
| ||||
• - • Selects special characters and symbols while |
| |||
| names are being entered. | Keys 0 to 9: |
| ||
Ž In tone dialling mode, it sends a tone on the line for |
| ||||
Œ Dial the telephone or fax number. |
| |||||
| special network services. |
| ||||
| • - • Select digits and alphanumeric characters. | |||||
| ||||
Œ With the fax machine connected to a private | • - • Select special characters and symbols while | |||||
| exchange: | names are being entered. |
| |
When pressed before the telephone or fax number is | Ž In tone dialling mode, sends a tone on the line for | |||||
dialled, it enables a call to be made on the public line (if | special network services. |
| ||||
the output mode is Flash and the fax machine has been |
| |||
| programmed correctly). | Œ If this key is pressed for more than 1.5 seconds, it | ||||
Œ - • Starts internal communication with another | turns the cordless phone on/off. It gives access to the list | |||||
| cordless phone. | of the last outgoing calls. |
| |
Ž Gives access to the special functions put at the | Œ - Ž - • Adds a pause while a number is being | |||||
network manager’s disposal and known as REGISTER | entered. |
| |||
RECALL (function R). If this key is pressed for more | Microphone. |
| |||
than 1.5 seconds, it transfers the call. |