3.To find the fax number or name of the contact to whom you want to send your document, you can:

1. Press the upper or lower part of the key until

the desired number or name appears on the dis- play.


2.Press the key corresponding to the first letter of the name you want to find. The cordless phone will look for the name in alphabetical order.

4.To start dialling, press the key:

5.Having dialled the number, keep pressed for more than

1.5 seconds, the key:


This procedure can only be carried out from the fax machine.

1.Insert the document in the automatic document feeder (ADF). The display shows on the top line:


and on the bottom line, the default contrast value: NOR- MAL.

The initial resolution value is: " " (standard).

If you want, change the contrast and resolution values as described previously.

2.Press the number key (0-9) under which you previ- ously saved the fax number to which you want to send

the document, for example, , for more than one second:

- The display shows the digits in the fax number that you

assigned to it (see "To program the phone book"). If the name has also been saved, the display shows this, too.

3.Once the number has been dialled, transmission con- tinues in the ordinary way.



By printing out reports, the fax machine enables you to check the result of all the transactions carried out (transmission and reception), the volume of documents handled and provides a lot of other useful information (the reports may only be man- aged from the fax machine).

The fax machine prints the following reports:

Power failure report: it is always and automatically printed after a power failure, if there are documents in the memory.

Once normal operating conditions have been restored, the fax machine will automatically print a report indicating the number of pages in the memory up to that time that you have lost. In this case, it is advisable to print the activity report to track down the number or name of the persons who sent you the documents that were lost.

Activity report: contains information about the last 42 trans- actions carried out (transmission and reception operations), which the fax machine keeps in its memory and is printed automatically after the thirty-second transaction or on re- quest.

Last transmission report: contains information about the last transmission and can be printed, once programmed, always and automatically after each transmission or on request at the desired moment.

Failed transmission report: also contains information about the last transmission but is printed automatically only when the transmission has failed. The fax machine is set by default to print this kind of report automatically, if you want to disable it, see the relevant paragraph.

Last broadcast transmission report: contains information about the last broadcast transmission and may be printed always and automatically after each broadcast trans- mission or on request at the desired moment.




Progressive number of the transactions



(transmission/reception) carried out.






Type of transaction:



TX or TX ECM for transmission.



RX, RX ECM or RX POLLING for recep-









Reference number of document stored,



assigned directly by the fax machine.





Dialled Number

Fax number of the correspondent you









Name of the correspondent you called.



Only displayed if you have saved it in



the phone book. This field is not printed



on the activity report.


Remote Id

Number (and, sometimes, name) of the



correspondent called. This number cor-



responds to the number you dialled, only



if the correspondent set his own fax



number correctly. Otherwise, it may be dif-



ferent or not be present at all.



Date and time at which the transaction was



carried out.



Length of transaction (in minutes and sec-









Total number of pages sent/received.






Result of the transaction:



- OK: if the transaction was completed suc-






- ERROR CODE XX: if the transaction was



not completed due to the cause indicated



by the error code (see "Error codes",



chapter "Troubleshooting guide").

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Olivetti 145D manual To Print Reports and Lists