Check Digit
When Check Digit is selected, the reader takes the last character in the de- coded data stream as a check digit. It then calculates the correct check digit for the remaining data and compares it to the last data character. If it is the same, the data is accepted. If not, the data is rejected. With the Calculate and Send Check Digit option, the reader will send the check digit as part of the data stream. If the Calculate but Do Not Send Check Digit option is selected, the reader will strip it from the data stream before transmission. If the Check Digit is not calculated, the reader will assume the last data character read from the symbol is part of the data stream and will not make a comparison test.
Do Not Calculate Check Digit but Send Whole Data Stream | E |
Calculate and Send Check Digit | F |
Calculate but Do Not Send Check Digit | G |
Code 128 Setting:
Enable/Disable Code 128
If enabled, Code 128 symbology will be read, subject to the reading restric- tions specified by this set of options. If disabled, the data from the symbology will be disregarded.
Code 128 Enable | A |
Code 128 Disable | B |
Note: The Check Digit is manditory for Code 128.