Entering the user bits....................................... | 63 |
Setting the time code....................................... | 66 |
Externally locking the time code...................... | 67 |
Outputting the time code externally................. | 70 |
Recording time codes and user bits................. | 71 |
Basic playback operations................................ | 74 |
Thumbnail operations........................................ | 75 |
Thumbnail manipulations overview.................. | 76 |
Thumbnail screen............................................ | 77 |
Selecting thumbnails........................................ | 79 |
Playing back clips............................................ | 79 |
Switching the thumbnail display....................... | 80 |
Changing thumbnails....................................... | 81 |
Shot mark......................................................... | 82 |
Text memo....................................................... | 82 |
Deleting clips.................................................... | 84 |
Restoring clips................................................. | 85 |
Reconnection of incomplete clips.................... | 85 |
Copying clips.................................................... | 86 |
Setting of clip meta data.................................. | 87 |
Formatting a P2 card....................................... | 91 |
Formatting SD memory cards.......................... | 92 |
Setting the thumbnail display mode................. | 92 |
Properties......................................................... | 93 |
Useful playback functions................................. | 99 |
Variable speed search...................................... | 99 |
Slow playback.................................................. | 99 |
Fast forward/rewind playback.......................... | 99 |
99 | |
Clip skip......................................................... | 100 |
Adjusting the volume...................................... | 100 |
Viewing images on a TV/monitor................... | 100 |
Checking the date and time........................... | 100 |
Connecting external units............................... | 101 |
Headphones................................................... | 101 |
External microphone...................................... | 101 |
Personal computer |
transfer)...................................................... | 102 |
Hard disk drive (data copying)....................... | 102 |
Digital video equipment (Dubbing)................. | 103 |
TV/Monitor (playback/dubbing)...................... | 104 |
Connections to the DVCPRO/DV |
connector...................................................... | 105 |
Recording signals input to the DVCPRO/DV |
connector................................................... | 105 |
Control of external devices through 1394 |
connection.................................................. | 106 |
Precautions in 1394 connections................... | 107 |
Nonlinear editing with P2 card (PC mode: USB
device)........................................................... | 109 |
Procedures for making connections to a |
personal computer..................................... | 109 |
Using a hard disk drive (PC mode: USB |
host).............................................................. | 111 |
Switching to the USB HOST mode................ | 111 |
Using the USB HOST mode........................... | 112 |
Viewing hard disk drive information............... | 112 |
Formatting a hard disk drive.......................... | 114 |
Writing data on a hard disk drive.................... | 115 |
Writing data back to P2 cards........................ | 116 |
Direction for using a hard disk drive............... | 117 |
Warning and error display for thumbnail |
operation and USB HOST MODE.............. | 117 |
Screen displays................................................ | 120 |
Viewfinder screen status displays.................. | 120 |
Screen displays.............................................. | 121 |
Center information display............................. | 125 |
MODE CHECK indication.............................. | 131 |
Setup menu list................................................ | 132 |
SCENE FILE screen...................................... | 132 |
SYSTEM SETUP screen................................ | 135 |
SW MODE screen.......................................... | 138 |
AUTO SW screen........................................... | 140 |
RECORDING SETUP screen........................ | 141 |
AUDIO SETUP screen................................... | 143 |
OUTPUT SEL screen..................................... | 145 |
DISPLAY SETUP screen............................... | 147 |
CARD FUNCTIONS screen........................... | 150 |
OTHER FUNCTIONS screen......................... | 151 |
DIAGNOSTIC screen..................................... | 153 |
OPTION MENU screen.................................. | 154 |
Before calling for service................................ | 155 |
Updating the firmware incorporated into the |
unit................................................................ | 158 |
Cleaning............................................................ | 159 |
Storage precautions........................................ | 160 |
How to handle data recorded on P2 cards.... | 161 |
Checkpoints for using memory cards............ | 162 |
Information on software for this product....... | 163 |
Recording format list....................................... | 164 |
Index.................................................................. | 165 |