COMSPHERE 3821Plus Modem
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Miscellaneous Configuration Options
NetMngmtAddress: 256
Nxt 256
Network Management Address. Determines the address used when accessing a locally attached modem from the 6700 Series NMS. This configuration option is ignored by remote modems.
Address values range from 001 to 256.
The factory default templates do not affect Network Management Address.
AT command equivalent is
NMS_Call_Msgs: CallCnct&Prg
Nxt CallCnct&Prg Disable CallCnctOnly CallProgOnly
NMS Call Messages. Determines if modem status and/or call summary information is sent to the 6700 Series NMS. The modem can itemize status, such as CallProgress messages, or it can report a summary of activity, such as Call Connect messages, to the NMS.
Call Connect & Progress ± Enables both Call Connect and Call Progress information to be reported to the NMS.
Disable ± Modem status and call summary information is not sent to the NMS.
Call Connect Only ± The modem accumulates call statistics over a period of time and then reports these statistics to the NMS. The NMS uses this data to produce utilization reports.
Call Progress Only ± The modem reports detailed modem status information to the NMS. These messages include any events that can display on the LCD.
The factory default templates do not affect NMS Call Messages.
AT command equivalent is S66=n.
NMS DTR Alarm: Disable
Nxt Disable Enable
NMS DTR Alarm. Determines whether an NMS DTE alarm report is generated when DTR is Off.
Disable ± The state of DTR does not cause an alarm condition to be reported.
Enable ± A DTE alarm condition is reported to the NMS controller in the Device Health & Status message if DTR is Off for more than 10 seconds. The alarm condition is reported as inactive after DTR is ON for 3 seconds.
The factory default templates do not affect NMS DTR Alarm.
AT command equivalent is S77=n.
NetworkPosition: Tributary
Nxt Tributary Control
Network Position Identification. Each modem must be identified either as a control modem or a tributary modem.
NOTE: This configuration option is only applicable for
The factory default is Tributary.
AT command equivalent is S74=n.
CellulrRJ11Adpt: Disable
End Disable Enable
This configuration option appears only if ETC is installed.
Cellular RJ11 Adapt. Allows the modem to support an RJ11 connection to a
Disable ± No RJ11 support or ETC 1.1 Calling Tone.
Enable ± For use when the Cellular(Mobile) factory template is loaded, enables RJ11 support and ETC 1.1 Calling Tone.
The factory default is Disable.
AT command equivalent is S93=n.
January 1999 |