Chapter 10 Using Telnet Commands for TN5250
store tn dest <dxprn>copytimeout<copytimeoutvalue>
See page 219 for store command descriptions.
List Commands
list tn
list stored tn
list default tn
See page 248 for list command descriptions.
TN5250 Auto Connect Command
tn dest <dxprn>startstop
See page 255 for a detailed description.
Getting Started
Set the following items when first configuring the NIC for use with an AS/400 running TN5250:
•The IP address of the AS/400 you are planning to use. Example: store tn dest d1prn as400
•The device description or queue name you want built on the AS/400 for the printer. This must be unique to the printer.
Example: store tn dest d1prn devicedesc MOCHA3812
•Enable the printer to autmatically connect to the AS/400 when it is first powered up or automatically reconnect if the original connection is lost.
Example: store tn dest d1prn autoconnect
In most circumstances, all other settings can be left as default. The printer should be reset (powered off and on again) for the settings to take effect.
If you do not wish the printer to connect automatically when powered up then leave the autoconnect disabled and control the connection manually with the following command: