Problem | Cause | Solution | Refer to | |
The flash does not fire or | The flash cannot be used in the | To shoot with the flash, change | P.36 | |
the flash cannot charge. | following cases: | the settings or mode. | P.75 | |
| • When white balance bracket is |
| P.69 | |
| set |
| P.89 |
| • | In |
| P.179 |
| • | In Movie Mode |
| In Scene Modes, the flash is |
| |
| disabled by default. |
| |
| The flash is set to flash off. | Use the F (Flash) button to | P.36 | |
| cancel flash off. |
| Battery is running low. | Charge the rechargeable battery | P.23 | |
| or use the AC adapter. | P.175 |
Even though the flash | The distance to the subject is | Get closer to your subject and | P.36 | |
fired, the picture is dark. | greater than 1.8 meters in | shoot. |
| |
| telephoto or greater than 2.4 |
| |
| meters in |
| |
| The subject is dark. | Correct the exposure. (Exposure | P.82 | |
| compensation also changes the |
| light intensity of the flash.) |
The image is too bright. | The light intensity of the flash is not | Move a little away from the | P.36 | |
| appropriate. | subject or illuminate the subject |
| |
| with another light source instead |
| of using the flash. |
| Subject is overexposed. | Correct the exposure. | P.82 | |
| Cancel exposure time. | P.77 |
| The brightness of the LCD monitor | Adjust the brightness of the LCD | P.118 | |
| is not appropriate. | monitor. |
| |
The image is too dark. | The shot was taken in a dark place | Use the F (Flash) button to | P.36 | |
| while set to flash off. | cancel flash off. |
| |
| The subject is underexposed. | Correct the exposure. | P.82 | |
| Set to long exposure time. | P.77 |
| The brightness of the LCD monitor | Adjust the brightness of the LCD | P.118 | |
| is not appropriate. | monitor. |
| |
The image lacks natural | The picture was shot in conditions | Add a white object to the | P.83 | |
color. | that made it difficult for auto white | composition or use a white |
| |
| balance to adjust the white | balance setting other than auto. |
| |
| balance. |
| |
The date or recording | The screen display function is set | Press the DISP. button to change | P.51 | |
information does not | to no display. | the display. |
| |
appear on the screen. |
The brightness of the | You are using AF in a dark place or | This is normal. | - | |
LCD monitor changes | when the auto focus range and |
| |
during AF. | surrounding brightness are |
| |
| different. |
| |
There is a vertical smear | This is a phenomenon that occurs | This is normal. | - | |
on the image. | when a bright subject is shot. It is |
| |
| called the smear phenomenon. |
7 |