Table 18. Modifying Records Using the ldapmodify Command (Continued)
ldapmodify Option | Meaning |
The command is providing an authentication password | |
| of radadmin. |
| NOTE: The |
| radadmin) must match the password of the |
| account named by the |
This is the input LDIF file to process. | |
NOTE: You can also use the
The difference in syntax between the LDIF files generated by ldapsearch and those required for input to ldapmodify is that the ldapmodify input files must contain a changetype entry immediately following each dn entry in the file. The changetype entry specifies how to use the data to change the LDAP database.
The full syntax for changetype within each transaction is as follows:
changetype: keyword
subkeyword: attribute
attribute: value
changetype: keyword
subkeyword: attribute
attribute: value
changetype: keyword
subkeyword: attribute
attribute: value
keyword can be add, modify, or delete;
subkeyword can be (respectively): add, replace, or delete; attribute can be any LDAP attribute in the entry
value is the value to assign to the attribute.
Repeated changetype: keyword entries are not required within a transaction unless you change the keyword. From top to bottom within the transaction, the latest keyword applies until another changetype: keyword entry is provided.
92 | Using the LDAP Configuration Interface | September 2005 |