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License agreement

This software and the associated documentation are proprietary and confidential to RSA Security, are furnished under license, and may be used and copied only in accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusion of the copyright below. This software and any copies thereof may not be provided or otherwise made available to any other person.

Neither this software nor any copies thereof may be provided to or otherwise made available to any third party. No title to or ownership of the software or any intellectual property rights thereto is hereby transferred. Any unauthorized use or reproduction of this software may be subject to civil and/or criminal liability.

This software is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by RSA Security.

Note on encryption technologies

This product may contain encryption technology. Many countries prohibit or restrict the use, import, or export of encryption technologies, and current use, import, and export regulations should be followed when exporting this product.


Limit distribution of this document to trusted personnel.

RSA notice

The RC5™ Block Encryption Algorithm With Data-Dependent Rotations is protected by U.S. Patent #5,724,428 and #5,835,600.

First Printing: September 2005

Part Number: M05917ADM

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RSA Security 6.1 manual Distribution