Serial Communications
Runco CinemaWall SP-42/-50/-60 Owner’s Operating Manual 59
SFTS06 53 46 54 53 30 36 Sets the SIGN AL FORMAT to Type6.
SFTS07 53 46 54 53 30 37 Sets the SIGN AL FORMAT to Type7.
SFTS08 53 46 54 53 30 38 Sets the SIGN AL FORMAT to Type8.
SFTS10 53 46 54 53 31 30 Sets the SIGN AL FORMAT to Type10.
OPTION Menu Commands
ESVS00 45 53 56 53 30 30 Sets the ENERGY MODE setting to
ESVS01 45 53 56 53 30 31 Sets the ENERGY MODE setting to
LEVEL1 (energy saving).
ESVS02 45 53 56 53 30 32 Sets the ENERGY MODE setting to
LEVEL2 (fixed brightness).
ESVS03 45 53 56 53 30 33 Sets the ENERGY MODE setting to
LEVEL3 (long life).
ESVS04 45 53 56 53 30 34 Sets the ENERGY MODE setting to
ORBS00 4F 52 42 53 30 30 Turns ORBITER OFF.
ORBS01 4F 52 42 53 30 31 Sets ORBITER to TYPE 1.
ORBS02 4F 52 42 53 30 32 Sets ORBITER to TYPE 2.
ORBS03 4F 52 42 53 30 33 Sets ORBITER to TYPE 3.
SOFS00 53 4F 46 53 30 30 Turns SOFTEN OFF.
SOFS01 53 4F 46 53 30 31 Sets SOFTEN to 1.
SOFS02 53 4F 46 53 30 32 Sets SOFTEN to 2.
SOFS03 53 4F 46 53 30 33 Sets SOFTEN to 3.
SSTS00 53 53 54 53 30 30 Sets STILL IMAGE FREEZE to OFF (still
image fills screen).
SSTS01 53 53 54 53 30 31 Sets STILL IMAGE FREEZE to
SIDE-BY-SIDE (still image next to mov-
ing image).
SSTS02 53 53 54 53 30 32 Sets STILL IMAGE FREEZE to PinP (still
image in sub-screen with moving
TPH 54 50 48 000 023 Sets the hour of the present time.
Table 6-1. Serial Commands (continued)
Command Value Range
ASCII HEX Minimum Maximum
1. When making input-specific adjustments such as to image quality, screen position/size or audio
sub-volume, select the input you wish to affect before making such adjustments.
2. These settings are not stored in memory.