Front IR Receiver / Back IR Receiver
As described in Section 2, the standard IR remote keypad is capable of sending data to the projector in either one of two protocols called A or B. Likewise, the front and rear IR sensors on the projector can be set to accept IR data accord- ingly, responding to A, B or both. The projector’s A or B default is adequate for most
A or B A
Note that the front and rear IR sensors cannot respond to different
If you want to disable both IR sensors, you cannot use the IR remote keypad to select the second OFF setting. This safeguard prevents accidentally disabling a keypad while you are using it. Instead, use either the
Keep at “A OR B” unless you are sure of
the current IR keypad protocol.
NOTES: 1) The IR remote keypad for this projector is set at Runco to “Protocol A”. See 2.12 in Chapter 2, Keypad Protocols and Conversion for information about changing the keypad proto- col. 2) A key press from a conflicting protocol will cause a single yellow flash on the Status LED located in the lower right corner of the rear projector panel.
Wired Keypad
Like the IR remote keypad, the optional wired keypad is either a “Protocol A” keypad (default) or a “Protocol B” keypad. Likewise, the projector can be set to accept wired keypad data accord- ingly, responding to A or B. If desired, you can prohibit the projector from responding to a par- ticular wired keypad protocol, or you can ensure that the projector responds to either protocol (default). You can also prevent the projector from responding to the keypad entirely. In the pull- down list, select the desired protocol.
NOTE: The wired keypad for this projector is set at manufacture to “Protocol A”. See 2.12, Keypad Protocols and Conversion for information about changing the keypad protocol.
Adding a Protocol: To add a protocol, select the A or B option.