Choosea location that’s far from bright light sources, such as windows and strong overheadlighting.
Brightlight sources can cause distracting shadows on the projectionsurface and can reducethe
contrastof theprojected image.
Considerwhat your projection surfaceis wheny ou’reselecting a location for your interactive
projector.You can install it so t heimage falls on an existing dry-erasew hiteboardor a wall surface. A
dry-erasewhiteboardis a flat surfacet hat works well with your interactive projectorand allows you to
write smoothly in digitalink. Thet hickness of the whiteboardwill affect the maximum size of the
projectedimage. If you select a wall as theprojection surface, ensureit is flat and smooth. Choose a
white wall to maintain accuratecolor of the projected image.
Writingon the wall w ith the interactive penmight cause scratches or damaget hew all surface. Test
thew all surfaceby writing onit with the penbefore you install your interactive projector.
Select anarea with suffi cient clearanceto accommodate your interactiveprojector. For best
presentationalignment,mount your interactive projectorin a location that’s central to your audience’s
viewingdirection. Consider the generalheight of your userc ommunityw henyou choose a position for
yourinteractive projector.
Choosinga height
Theinstallation height of your projectordependson the size of theprojected image andthe available
spacef orit. If you’re using a dry-erasewhiteboardas the projection surface, the heightof t he
projectordependson the width and height of the board’sprojection surface. If the projections urfaceis
aw all, the heightof t heprojector dependson the width and heightof availablewall space. Consider
youruser community and ensurethey’ll be able to reach all areasof theprojected image with the pen.
Whendeterminingt hes ize of the projectedimage, ensuret hereis room to route the cables aroundthe
imageand space to install the pen holder.
Using the chartbelow, w hich appearson your installationtemplate, determinew hereto install the
mountingbracket for your projector.This measurementis basedon the size and location of the
gTo determinethe height of the projector mounting bracket
1. Measurethe width of t heprojected image that you want.
oEnsurethe available width of the projectionsurface is equalto or greaterthan the width
int het able.
CH A P T E R 2
Installingyour interactivepr ojector