Command Response
getprojectionmode projectionmode=[currentprojectionmode]
gets tartupscreen st artupscreen=[currents tartupsc reensetting]
getresolution resolution=[currentinput resolution]
getlanguage language=[current languagesetting]
getgroupname groupname=[currentprojector groupname]
getprojectorname projectorname=[currentprojector name]
getlocationinfo locationinfo=[currentprojectorlocation]
getc ontactinfo contactinfo=[currentsupport contact information]
getmodelnum modelnum=[currentmodel number]
getv ideomute videomute=[currentvideo mute setting]
gets erialnum serialnum=[serial number]
Thesecommands inform you of the currentsy stem settings. These commands areavailable even
whenthe projector is in Standby mode.
Command Response
getlamphrs lamphrs=[currentlamp hours of operation]
gets yshrs sys hrs=[currentprojector hoursof operation]
getf wverddp fwverddp=[current projectorfirmware version]
getf wvernet fwvernet=[currentnetwork firmware version]
getf wvermpu fwvermpu=[currentprocessorfi rmwareversion]
gets ignaldetected signaldetected=[true orfalse]
getprjserialnum prjserialnum=[current]
Thesecommands control the currentsy stem settings. These commandsare unavailablew henthe
projectoris in Standby mode. See Value-basedcommandmethods on page 62 for setting absolute
andadjustment commands.
Command Command target range R esponse
set autosignal[target] =on
set lampreminder[target] =on
set highbrightness [target] =on
set autopoweroff[value] =0 to =240 autopoweroff=[value]
set zoom [value] = 0 to =30 z oom=[value]
set projectorid[value] =0 to =99 projectorid=[value]
set hposition[v alue] =0 t o =100 hposition=[value]
set vposition [value] =-5to =5 vposition=[value]
CH A P T E R 8
Connectingyour room control system toyour intera ctiveprojector