Troubleshooting audio issues
If the audiois n’t working, you can troubleshootthe following commoniss ues.


Youmight experience issues using balancedmicrophoneswit h yourinteractive projector. Ensure you
usean unbalancedmicrophone. Formore information, seet heLightRaise 40wi microphone


Youmight experience static noise from your speakersif the microphonecable is routedtoo close to
theother cables. For more information,see the LightRaise 40wi microphoneconnection addendum
Static noise can be causedby other video and audiosource devices and theirc onnectioncables.
Isolate thesedevices andtest to see if they are the causeof static noise
Locating the serial number
Theserial numberidentifies your projector andhelps SMARTsupport troubleshootissues. The serial
numberis on top of the projectorin t helocation shown below:
CH A P T E R 6
Troubleshootingyour interactiveprojector