Submenu setting Description
Aspect Ratio Adjusts the imageoutput to Fil l Screen,MatchInput or 16:9.
lFill Screen producesan image that fills the entire screen by
stretchingand scaling.
lMatchI nputmatches t heprojector’s aspect ratio to the input’s
aspect ratio.A s a result, black bands might appearalongthe
topand bottom edges of the screenhorizontally (letterbox
format)or along thel eft andright edges of the screen vertically
l16:9changes the outputto 16:9 by letterboxing the image,
which is recommendedfor use with HDTV and DVDs
enhancedfor wide-screentelevision.
StartupScreen Sets the type of s tartupsc reento SMART or User. The SMART
screenis thedefault SMART logoon a blue background.The User
screenuses the saved picture from the CaptureU ser StartupSc reen
VideoMute Turns the videomute sett ingon or off. S elect On to hidethe display
andOff to show it again.
HighS peedFan Adjuststhe speed of the projector’sf an.S elect High or Normal.
ProjectorMode Adjusts the projectionmode to Front,Ceiling,Rear orR earCeili ng.
SMART recommendsthat you never changethis setting from the
Ceiling projectionmode.
Source Adjusts the input sourceto VGA-1,VGA-2,Composite,S-Videoor
VGA1 As signs analternative name to your VGA 1 input, which appears
whenyou select theVGA 1 i nput.
VGA2 As signs analternative name to your VGA 2 input, which appears
whenyou select theVGA 2 i nput.
S-Video As signs an alternativename to your S-videoinput, w hich appears
whenyou select t heS -videoinput.
Composite Assigns an alternative nameto y ourComposite video input, which
appearswhen you select the Composite videoi nput.
HDMI Assigns an alternativename to your HDMI input, which appears when
yous electt heHDMI input.
EmergencyAlert Turnsthe on-screenalert broadcast messageon or off. W hen
enabled,this message displays over the currentprojected image.
AlarmMessage Displays an on-screenemergency notification message(maximum
CH A P T E R 7
Remotelymanaging your interactiveprojector