lWhencleaning the interactive projector
oWipet heext eriorof the projector with a lint-freec loth.
oIf necessary, use a soft cloth moistened with a mild detergentt o cleanthe projector
lDo not use abrasivecleaners, waxes or solvents.
When cleaning theprojector’s mirror
lUse a bellows bulbor air blower bulb(commonly found in audio-visualsupply stores) to blow off
dust. Never touch the mirrorwith your bare handsor a brush.
lIf wiping the mirroris unavoidable, wearprotective gloves and gathert hecl eaningcloth into a
ball.Gently run the cleaning cloth across the mirrorlike you would a feather duster. Don’t apply
anypressure to the lens or mirror.
When cleaning theprojector’s lens
lUse a bellows bulbor air blower bulb(commonly found in audio-visualsupply stores) to blow off
dust. Never touch the lens with your barehands or a brush.
lIf wiping the lens is unavoidable,wear protective gloves andgather the cleaningc loth intoa
ball.Gently run the cleaning cloth across the lens from the centerto t heedge, using the
cleaningcloth like you would a feather duster. Don’t apply any pressureto the lens or mirror.
Replacing the projector lamp moduleEventuallyt helamp will dimand a message will appearreminding you to replaceit. Makes ureyou
havea replacement lampmodule beforeproceedingwi th the followinginst ructions.
WARNING for the projector’smaterial safety data sheet (MSDS)
lReplacethe lamp module whent heprojector becomes dim ordisplays it s lamp life warning
message.If you continueto use the projector after this message appears,the lamp can
shatteror burst, scatt eringglass throughoutthe projector.
CH A P T E R 5
Maintainingyour interactive projector