Interactive projector
Thefeatures of your projectorinclude the following:
lWall-mounted,projectionengine that uses DLP®
technologyby TexasInstruments™,providing
BrilliantColor™performanceand quality Gamma2.2
correctionwith Bright Room, Dark Room,sR GB,U ser
andSMART P resentationmodes.
lInteractivef eaturesthat allow you to use the pen as a mouse device andt o write in digital ink
l3D-readyusing DLPLink™technology
lNTSC, NTSC 4.43, PAL, PAL-N, PAL-Mand SECAM video system compatibility
lWXGA 1280× 800display resolution
lHD-ready,maximum resolution 720ppixel perfect, 1080i supported
l16:10and 16:9 selectablenative aspect ratios wit h supportfor 4:5 and 4:3 ratios with scaling
l2900:1contrast ratio
l102"(259.1 cm) diagonalmaximum interactive areasiz e ona blank wall
lSecuremounting andinstallation syst em that includest hef ollowingsafety features:
oOptionalprojectorpadlock ring to prevent removalof t heprojector from the boom
oA safety tether
oTemplatesand instructions for positioningthe sy stem safely
Interactive pen
Theinteractive pen enablesyou to interact wit h yourc omputerand write in digital ink. You can
performa left-click by touchingthe pen nib to the projectionsurface. It hasa left -click button that
enablesyou to use the pen from a short distance.
Theprojector remotecontrol enables you to access on-screenprojector menus andto c hange
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Aboutyour intera ctiveprojector