Determining if your interactive projector isconnected to your computer
SMARTProductDriversenablesyou to v iew informationabout your interactiveprojector and can
helpyou determineif yourinteractive projector is connected to your computer.
gTo determinei f yourcomputer is connected to theinteractive projector
1. Double-click the SMARTBoardicon in your computer’s notification areafor computers with
Windows® operatingsystems, orthe Dock for computerswit h Mac operatingsystem
2. Select SMARTSettings.
TheSMARTSettings window appears.
oIf your interactive projectoris connected to your computerand working, the following text
appears:The SMARTBoardinteractive whiteboardis workingproperly.
oIf your interactive projectorisn’t connected to your computer, thef ollowingtext appears:
No SMARTBoardsare connected.
CH A P T E R 6
Troubleshootingyour interactiveprojector