Typically, cc1displays U. S. English subtitles, while cc2 displays other regionallanguages,such
as Frenchor Spanish, dependingon television channelor media setup.
Additional VGA source controls
YourVGA source supports all the generalsource controls describedin Generals ourcecontrols on
page64, as well as t hecommands listed in this s ection. Theses ettings areunavailablew henthe
projectoris in Standby mode or whenthe VGA s ourcesare disconnected.
Someof t hesecommands are invalid with HDMI input and Composite video sources, andwill
returnthe response“invalidcmd=[command]”.
Thesecommands inform you of the currentVGA s ourcesettings.
Command Response
getf requency frequency=[currentfrequency offset setting]
gett racking tracking=[current trackingoff set setting]
gets aturation saturation=[currentsaturation setting]
gett int t int=[currenttint setting]
gets harpness s harpness=[current sharpness setting]
Thesecommands control the appearance of yourV GA source. Thesesettings are unavailablewhen
theprojector is in Standby mode orw henthe VGA s ourceis disc onnected.See Value-based
commandmethods on page 62for sett ingabsolute and adjustmentc ommands.
Command Command targetrange Response
set frequency[v alue] =-5 to = 5 frequency=[value]
set tracking [value] =0 to =31 tracking=[value]
set saturation[v alue] =0 t o =100 saturation=[value]
set tint [value] =0 to =100 tint=[value]
set sharpness[v alue] =0 t o =31 sharpness=[value]
Additional Composite video source controls
YourComposite video source supportsall t hegeneral sourcec ontrolsdescribed on the previouspage
as well as the commands listed in this section. These settings are unavailablewhen the projectoris in
Standbymode or when the Compositev ideosource is disconnected.
CH A P T E R 8
Connectingyour room control system toyour intera ctiveprojector