Determining your interactive pen’s status
Use the table belowto determine the status of your interactive pen.
Statusli ght Description
Green Amber
Flashing(0.3 sec
off, 1 sec on)
Off Pen is ready to use. It' s pointedat t heprojected image
andconnected with the projector. Youc aninteract wit h
contentif the USB connection betweenthe projector and
computeris working.
Off Flashing(0.3 sec
off, 1 sec on)
Theamber light flashes when you’reunable to interact
with content. It flashes in the following scenarios:
lPenis pointedaway from the projected imageand
notc onnectedwith the projector.
lPenis startingup and connecting with your
lPenis unableto communicate with the projector.
lTheprojector is displaying the logosc reenand not
as ourcevideo image.
Off On The USB cableis connectedand the penis charging.
Off Flashings lowly (1
sec off, 1 secon)
Thepen battery level is less t han20 percent.
Off Off The pen’s powerswit chis off. I f thepen is on, it’s been
inactive for 3 minutesand is in s leepmode.
CH A P T E R 6
Troubleshootingyour interactiveprojector