Setting Use Notes
ProjectorFunctions menu
3D On/Off Turns the DLPLink technology3D
featureon or off.
Thedefault is Off. Using 3D s ettings
with interactive settings will darken
theprojected image.
3D Format D isplays thecurrent 3D format
(InterleavedorU nder-over).
Interleavedbreaks down the image
framefor each eye, alternately
displayinga line of visual information
fromeach frame.
horizontallystretched image frames
foreach eye, one above the other.
3D Invert
Selects the 3D Invert setting (L-R or
L-R displaysvis ualdata for the left
eyef irst.
R-L displays visual dataf ort heright
eyef irst.
AutoS ignalDetect Enablesor disables signal searching
of inputconnectors.
Thedefault is off.
Select Onto have the projector
continuouslyswi tch inputs until it finds
anactiv e videosource.
Select Offto maintain signal detection
inone input.
LampReminder Turns the lampreplacement reminder
onor off.
Thedefault is On. This reminder
appears100hours before the
recommendedlamp replacement.
LampMode Adjusts lamp brightness to Standard
Thedefault is Standard, which
displays a high-quality,bright image.
Economyincreases the lamp life by
decreasingthe brightnessof t he
AutoP owerOff
Sets the lengthof t heauto power-off
countdowntimer between 1 and240
Thedefault is 120 minutes.
Thetimer begins to count down when
theprojector no longerreceives a
videosignal. When the timer finishes,
theprojector enters Standbymode.
Select 0tot urnoff t het imer.
Zoom Adjusts thez oomt o thec enterof the
imagein or out from 0 to 30.
Thedefault is 0.
Zoomingin cuts off theouter edges of
thes ourcevideo.
ProjectorID Displays t heprojector’s uniqueID
within yourorganization’s network.
Youcan refer to this number when
usingthe network remote
management feature(see Remotely
managingyourinteractive projector on
CH A P T E R 3
Usingyour interactive projector