Setting Use Notes
Keystone Adjusts imagekeys tonesett ings Thedefault is 0. The keyst onecan be
adjustedfrom -40 to +40. Use this
setting only aftery oumake all
physical imagealignment adjustments
to straightenthe vertical lines of the
Aspect Ratio Adjusts the imageoutput to
FillScreen,MatchInputor 16:9.
Thedefault is Fil lScreen.
FillScreen producesan imagethat
fills the entire screenby s tretchingand
scalingt hes ourcevideo to match the
projector’snative resolutionand
aspect ratio.
MatchInputdisplays the source
videoin its native resolutionand
aspect ratio.A s a result, unused
spacec ouldappearalong the top and
bottomedges of the screen (letterbox
format)or along the left andright
edgesof the screen (pillarboxformat).
16:9displays the source video in 16:9
aspect ratio.A s a result, unused
spaceappears alongthe top and
bottomedges of the screen. This is
recommendedf oruse w ith HDTV and
DVD/Blu-ray discs enhancedfor
SeeVideo format compatibility on
page27 for descriptions of eachmode.
StartupScreen Selects the type of startup screen
(SMART,Capture UserS tartup
Screenor Preview StartupScreen).
This screendisplays w henthe
projectorlamp is starting and a video
sourcesignal isn’t displayed.
SMART displays the default SMART
logoon a blue background.
CaptureU ser StartupS creencloses
theon-screen display menuand
capturesthe entire projectedimage.
Thecaptured imageis displayedthe
next time the on-screendisplay opens.
(Thecapture can take up to one
minute,dependingon the complexity
of the backgroundgraphic.)
PreviewS tartupScreen enablesyou
to previewt hedefault or captured
startupsc reen.
CH A P T E R 3
Usingyour interactive projector