Chapter 7: Remotely managing yourinteractive projector
Accessing web pagemanagement 53
Home 54
Controlpanel 54
Controlpanel II 57
Network settings 57
E-mailalerts 59
Passwords ettings 59
SimpleNetw ork Management Protocol (SNMP) 60
This chapterdescribes how to managey ourinteractive projector froma remote location.
Accessing web page management
Beforeyou can access t heremote managementweb page, you must connect a network cable to your
projectorand enablethe network functions in the on-screendisplay (OSD) menu (seeAdjusting
projectorsettings onpage 13).
Youcan view theprojector’s IP address by accessing the projector’s Network Settings menu (see
Network settings on page57).
gTo use them anagement web page
1. Start your Internetbrowser.
2. Type theprojector’s network IP addressin the addressbar, andthen press ENTER.
3. Select the menu optionsin the left paneto access thes ettings oneach page.
4. Modify settings using your computer’smouse and keyboard,and then click S ubmit oranother
actionbutton next to each setting you change.
Chapter 7