This tabledescribes the power state fields.
Field Description
Powering The projectoris t urningon.
On The projectoris on.
Cooling The projectoris cooling.
Confirmoff Confirm off is a non-selectablepowerst atethat is returnedduring
stageone of the two-button Off sequence.
Idle Theprojector is off but s till receiving power(Standby mode).
Source selection controlsThesecommands switch input sources.The source typedetermines which commandscan be
Command Response Available in Standby
getinput input=[field] Yes
set input=[field] input=[field] No
Thefollowing table describes the sources electioncommands:
Command Description
getinput R eturnsthe projector’s currentinput.
set input=[field] Sets the input to one of the selectable fields.
This tabledescribes the source selection responsefields.
Field Description
VGA1 Sw itches source to the VGA 1 input connector.
VGA2 Sw itches source to the VGA 2 input connector.
Composite Switches source to the Composite video connector.
S-Video Sw itches source to the S-Videoinput connector.
HDMI Switches source to the HDMI input port.
None A non-selectable valuet hatappears when you entera “get input”
commandwhile the projectoris in Standby mode.
General source controlsThesecommands inform you of the currentsource settings.
Command Response
getdisplaymode displaymode=[currentdisplay mode setting]
CH A P T E R 8
Connectingyour room control system toyour intera ctiveprojector