3-55RMON Statistics
RMON Statistics display key statistics for each port from RMON
group 1. (RMON groups 2, 3 and 9 can only be accessed using SNMP
management software.) The following screen displays overall statistics
on traffic passing through each port. RMON statistics pro vide access
to a broad range of statistics, including a total count of different frame
types passing through each port. Values displayed have been
accumulated since the last system r eboot.
Parameter Description
Drop Events The total number of events in which packets were
dropped due to lack of resources.
Received Bytes Total number of bytes of data received on the network.
This statistic can be used as a reasonable indication of
Ethernet utilization.
Received Frames The total number of frames (bad, broadcast and
multicast) received.
Broadcast Frames The total number of good frames received that were
directed to the broadcast address. Note that this does
not include multicast packets.
Multicast Frames The total number of good frames received that were
directed to this multicast address.
The number of frames received with CR C/alignment
errors (FCS or alignment errors).
Undersize Frames The total number of frames received that were less than
64 octets long (excluding framing bits, but including
FCS octets) and were otherwise well formed.