Click Remote Party to sort the tunnel list by the remote party ID/name/address.
Tunnels that use Automatic Keying (IKE) will have one of four states in the Status field. The states include the following:
∙Down indicates that the tunnel is not being negotiated. This may be due to the following reasons:
oIPSec is disabled.
oThe tunnel is disabled.
oThe tunnel could not be loaded due to misconfiguration.
∙Negotiating Phase 1 indicates that IPSec is negotiating Phase 1 to establish the tunnel. Aggressive or Main mode packets (depending on tunnel configuration) are transmitted during this stage of the negotiation process.
∙Negotiating Phase 2 indicates that IPSec is negotiating Phase 2 to establish the tunnel. Quick mode packets are transmitted during this stage of the negotiation process.
∙Running indicates that the tunnel has been established.
Tunnels that use Manual Keying will either be in a Down or Running state.
For tunnels that use Automatic Keying, further negotiation details can be seen by clicking on the status. A window similar to the following will be displayed.