10. System
Date and Time
Set date and time
If you have a Javascript enabled web browser, you will be able to click the top Set Date and Time button to synchronize the time on the CyberGuard SG appliance with that of your PC.
Alternately, you can manually set the Year, Month, Date, Hour and Minute using the selection boxes to set the date and time on the CyberGuard SG appliance.
NTP time server
The CyberGuard SG appliance can synchronize its system time with a remote time server using the Network Time Protocol (NTP). Configuring the NTP time server ensures that the CyberGuard SG appliance's clock (in UTC) will be accurate soon after the Internet connection is established. If NTP is not used, the system clock will be set randomly when the CyberGuard SG appliance starts up.
To set the system time using NTP, select the Set Time checkbox on the NTP Server Configuration page and enter the IP address of the time server in the Remote NTP Server field.