Access Control and Content Filtering
Inappropriate Internet use during work hours can have a serious effect on productivity. With the CyberGuard SG Access Control web proxy, you can control access to the Internet based on the type of web content being accessed (Content), and which user or workstation is accessing the Internet content (Require user authentication, IP Lists).
Additionally, you can set up global block/allow lists for web sites that you always want to be accessible/inaccessible (Web Lists), or force users to have a personal firewall installed before accessing the Internet (ZoneAlarm).
To enable any of these access controls or content filtering, select Access Control, then under the Main tab check Enabled and click Apply.
User authentication
Check Require user authentication if you want to require users to authenticate themselves before browsing the web. When attempting to access a web site on the Internet, their browser will display a dialog similar to the following:
Web proxy user accounts are added and removed through Users under the System menu. Web proxy users should generally have only Internet Access (via. Access Controls) checked, with all other access permissions unchecked. See the Users section in the chapter entitled Advanced for further details on adding user accounts.