Listening to songs in “My Library”
About the “Music Unlimited” license
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Videos/ Podcasts/ Photos
Watching Videos
Watching videos [Videos]
Browsing and using the video screen
Searching for videos
Browsing scenes [Scene Scroll]
Deleting videos
Video Option Menu
Using the video option menu
Video Settings
Using the video settings menu
Playing a Podcast
What is a podcast?
Playing podcast [Podcasts]
Browsing and using the podcast screen
Deleting podcasts
Podcast Option Menu
Using the podcast option menu
Viewing Photos
Viewing photos [Photos]
Browsing and using the photo screen
Deleting photos
Photo Option Menu
Using the photo option menu
Photo Settings
Using the photo settings menu
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FM Radio
Listening to FM Radio
Listening to FM radio [FM Radio]
Browsing and using the FM radio screen
Presetting broadcast stations automatically [Auto Preset]
Presetting broadcast stations manually [Save to Preset]
Deleting preset broadcast stations [Delete from Preset]
FM Radio Option Menu
Using the FM radio option menu
FM Radio Settings
Using the FM radio settings menu
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