136 Section 2K: Using Bluetooth
vBPP: Basic Printing ProfileThis profile enables simpler
printing from your phone to a Bluetooth-enabled printer.
vFTP: File Transfer ProfileWith an FTP connection, you can
move or copy files from your computer to your phone.
However, you cannottransfer files from your phone to
your computer. By default, FTP transfers take place in your
Exchange Folder, butyou may also designate the files to be
senteither to the DCIM.
To access the Exchange Folder: Press Menu > Settings/Tools
>Tools > Bluetooth > <Settings> > Exchange FTP Folder.
vPBAP: Phone Book Access ProfileThis profile enables
exchange of Contacts information between devices. Itis
likely to be used between a car kitand a mobile phone to
allow the car kitto display the name of the incoming