Recommendations for use
1 - The steam is very hot when it leaves the operating valve. 2 - As soon as the pressure indicator rises, you can no longer
open your pressure cooker.
3 - Just like for any other cooking appliance, always pay close attention to it, especially during use in the presence of children. Never leave unattended whilst in use.
4 - Beware of the horizontal steam jet.
5 - To move the pressure cooker, always use both of the handles.
6 - Never leave food in your pressure cooker.
7 - Neverusebleachorchlorineproductsfortheycouldaffect the quality of the stainless steel.
8 - Neverwashthelidinthedishwasher. Neverleavethelidto soak in water.
9 - Replace the seal every year.
10 - A pressure cooker may only be cleaned when cold and when empty.
11 - Always have your pressure cooker checked by a TEFAL Approved Service Centre after ten years of use.
•Your new TEFAL pressure cooker comes with a
-Anydefectsrelatingtothemetalstructureofthepressure cooker body,
-Any premature deterioration of the metal base.
•For other parts, a one year parts and labour guarantee is provided (exceptwhereapplicablelawinyourowncoun- try states otherwise). This guarantee covers any defects or manufacturing faults.
•The contractual guarantee cover is provided only on pre- sentation of a valid proof of purchase which shows the date of purchase.
•The guarantee cover excludes: •Thenormallifeoftheseal,pressurecontrolvalveorlocking indicatorsealislimited. Thesepartsareexcludedfromthe guarantee and will require periodic renewal.
•Any damage consecutive to a failure to follow the major recommendations made or due to negligent use, espe- cially:
-Dropping, falls, bangs or knocks, placing in an oven…
-Washing the lid in the dishwasher.
•Only TEFAL Approved Service Centres are authorised to provide service under guarantee.
•Please call the Helpline number below for the address of your nearest TEFAL Approved Service Centre.
Helpline: 0845 602 1454 - UK (01) 677 4003 - Ireland
Or consult our web site: www.tefal.co.uk