Using Color 6

Use simple color conversions

The following utility files use Adobe’s standard color conversions to tell the printer what type of output device you want it to simulate:

Raw CMYK Colors (RAWCMYK.PS): Converts all colors (CMYK, RGB, grays) to CMYK colors. Use this file if your application specifies colors as CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, and black). This file lets you control the CMYK output of the printer’s colors without any TekColor color corrections.

Raw RGB Colors (RAWRGB.PS): Converts all colors (CMY, CMYK, grays) to RGB colors. Use this file if your application specifies colors as RGB (red, green, and blue). This file lets you control the CMY output of the printer’s colors without any TekColor color corrections.

Printing Reference


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Tektronix 240 user manual Use simple color conversions