Data Communications Equipment
Equipment that is used to access a communications network. The DCE provides all the functions required to establish, maintain and terminate a connection, and provides the signal conversion required for communications between the Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) and the telephone network. With
Data Compression
An encoding technique which provides for the transmission of fewer data bits without the loss of information. The receiving end expands the data received to its original form.
Data Set
See Data Communictions Equipment and Modem.
Data Set Ready (DSR)
Data Terminal Equipment (DTE)
The equipment which provides the data source and/or receiving end of a data transmission link. The DTE may be a CRT or teletype terminal, a personal computer, a printer, a
Data Terminal Ready (DTR)
An acronym for Data Carrier Detect. See also Carrier Detect.
An acronym of Data Communications Equipment. See Data Communications Equipment.
Decibel (dB)
Unit of measure indicating the logarithmic ratio of output signal power to input signal power.
Dedicated Line
A communications line which is not dialed. Also known as a leased or private line.
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