**** Remote Access Sequence
When the modem is connected to a remote modem and is in
Remote Access mode simply means the remote modem will be able to issue AT commands to your modem, just as if you were typing them at your computer keyboard.
Remote Access mode may be switched on or off with the #A command. Remote Access mode is password protected by default.
To enter Remote Access mode, the operator of the remote modem should:
•Type: ****
The remote operator must wait one second before and after typing the Remote Access sequence. The AT command must not be typed in front of the Remote Access sequence, nor type a carriage return after it. You may change the character used in the Remote Access sequence by changing the value of S Register 67.
If the #A2 command has been issued to your modem, when it receives a request to enter Remote Access mode, it displays:
Enter Password:
on the computer screen of the remote operator. The remote operator must type your modem’s security menu password and press ENTER. Each letter of the Remote Access password is displayed on the remote computer screen as # character.
If no password has been saved, remote access is denied.
If the password is sucessfully typed, the following prompt appear on the remote computer screen:
Remote Control Enabled
If the #A1 command has been issued, your modem does not ask for a password upon receiving the remote access sequence.
The remote operator may then type AT commands to the remote modem. The following commands are not allowed:
To exit Remote Access mode, the remote operator must:
•Type: ATO
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