Most PABXs require you to dial 0 or 9 (in order to obtain an outside line) and wait for a dial tone before dialling the actual phone number.
Using dial modifiers, you can successfully dial the phone number 12345 through a PABX using the command:
•Type: CRN 0<12345
The < dial modifier causes the modem to pause for a short time after dialling 0. This allows most PABXs sufficient time to obtain a line before dialling.
The factory default delay for the < modifier is two seconds. You may change the length of this delay if necessary. Its length is determined by the value in S Register 8.
Another method of making the modem wait for a dial tone is to include the : (colon) dial
modifier. The : modifier causes the modem to examine the phone line to ensure a dial tone has been applied before dialling starts. For example:
•Type: CRN 0:12345
If the modem cannot detect a dial tone within the time specified by S Register 7, the modem will return to local command state and send a CFI AB indicator to the computer.
☞Due to differences with some older telephone exchanges, dial tone detection may not be possible with your modem. Your modem will only recognise dial tones between 200 Hz and 600 Hz.
More information about dial modifiers can be found in the Command Descriptions section of this guide.
Hanging Up
To hang up your modem when operating in V.25bis mode, lower DTR. Your modem will hang up whenever DTR goes low.
Stored Number Dialling
Your modem has the ability to store phone numbers for redialling at a later time. For example, to store a phone number use the PRN command:
•Type: PRN 1;012345 <E>
The phone number “012345” will be stored as phone number one.
To dial a phone number that has been stored in your modem:
•Type: CRS 1 <E>
The modem will dial stored phone number one.
Stored phone numbers are shared by V.25bis mode and AT Command mode. Thus, if you store a phone number while AT Command mode is active, you may dial that store phone number in V.25bis mode, or vice versa.
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