Your modem supports Data Encryption Standard (DES) encryption. DES encryption allows you to encrypt data being passed to a remote modem. The remote modem must support Cipher Feedback (or CFB) DES encryption in order to decrypt the data sent from your modem.
The #E1 command is used to enable DES encryption.
The modem requires you to enter an encryption Key and an Initial Value.
These are two
Both modems must have DES encryption and error correction selected and must use the same encryption Key and the same Initial Value.
☞Only use a reliable error correction mode when using DES encryption. This will ensure you will only establish encrypted connections.
The modem can store up to 10 DES Key/IV pairs. Use AT*K to select the Key you wish to use. For example AT*K5 tells the modem to use the key and IV from register 5.
To enter the DES Key and Initial Value:
•Type: AT#S <E>
•Type: 9 <E>
You will be prompted with the following message:
Select DES Key register
You should select one of the 10 available registers to store the new Key.
The modem will respond:
Enter New DES Key:................
Enter new DES IV:................
•Enter the Key and Initial Value as a
You will be prompted to
To enable DES encryption, issue the AT#E1 command. The next time your modem establishes a connection with another modem, it will encrypt outgoing data and attempt to decrypt incoming data.
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