Tone Signaling
➤To make an OCA call
1. | Lift the handset and | You may hear busy or ring tone. |
| dial the [DN]. |
2. | Press if you hear | If you hear busy or ring tone after dialing the first digit |
| busy tone and speak | (2 or 1), disregard the tone and dial the second digit to |
| to the called station | OCA the called telephone. |
| ...or if you hear a | If you still hear a busy tone after dialing 21 or 12, the |
| ring tone and speak | called telephone is either busy on a speakerphone call |
| to the called station. | or does not have the OCA option set in system |
| programming. Either condition blocks OCA. |
➤ To answer an SP-OCA call
➤ Speak toward the | You may want to hold your hand over the handset |
microphone of your | mouth piece to prevent the other party from hearing |
phone. | you. |
➤To disconnect an SP-OCA call to your station
➤Press 63.5.
54 | Strata DK Electronic Telephone 5/00 |