Making Calls |
3.2 Making Intercom Calls
There are two methods for making an intercom call. One causes the called telephone to ring
NOTE: The following instructions assume a
•To manually cause the other telephone to ring (tone calling),
2.DIAL extension number (called tele- phone will ring).
J Doe
Calling J Doe
• To tone call automatically,
NOTE: The following instructions assume a
• To voice announce manually,
1. | PRESS INTERCOM. | Wed | 12 | 10:42 |
J Doe |
| ||
2. | DIAL extension number. |
| |
| ||
3. | SPEAK your announcement. |
• | To voice announce automatically, |
1. | PRESS DSS/BLF button. | Connected to J Doe | ||
2. | SPEAK your announcement. |
30 | Comdial | August, 03 |